Monday 27 December 2010

Critic's Sketchbook: Apple Logo

For this assignment, we had to design a postcard advertising a great work of graphic design to be part of the Cooper-Hewitt permanent collection. I chose the Apple logo because of its great design and its interesting unofficial story. The crop marks and color bars aren't actually part of the design, jsyk.

Per questo esercizio, dovevamo scegliere un lavoro di design grafico e creare una cartolina che lo pubblicizza al museo Cooper-Hewitt. Ho scelto il logo della ditta Apple, per la sua eleganza grafica e per l'interessante storia non ufficiale del logo.

Saturday 18 December 2010

Typography I Book

This is the digital version of the final book from my typography I class. I suggest viewing full screen... it's a little small otherwise.

Il libro che ho creato per la mia classe di tipografia in versione digitale. Suggerisco di guardarlo a schermo intero.

Make Your Own Damn Dinner

The Make Your Own Damn Dinner campaign was created as a group project for a class called Transformation Design where we focused on the importance on cooking at home. The posters, postcards, and magnets were put up around New York City.

Life Folio

Visual Language class at Pratt. Project on communication and the difficulty on communicating between two of my friends who speak different languages (but are now able to communicate).
When you open the book, you are faced with two black pages with text in Italian and English phonetic symbols. The objective is to emulate the experience when listening to a language you don't understand: you read it as sound over meaning... you can pick out words here and there, but mostly it looks/sounds like gibberish. as you flip through the pages on both sides the texture of words showing the translation process becomes thinner and eventually, when the language is mastered, the two speakers can see each other.

Sunday 5 December 2010

Dance Notation Poster

large format poster for a project on notation and movement.